

An overview of the impact work has all on us and how our lives will change as work does. Today we work for more than money. Identity, Purpose, Community and Growth are key and along with our physical health and relationships work is the key to happiness. 


Five major and interconnected  forces are resculpting work. These included societal shits from aging and declining populations to five generations with different mindsets at work. The impact of technology from AI to XR to Blockchain. The rise of new marketplaces which allow companies to scale fast and individuals to find new revenue streams. The rise of the side hustle and gig work and finally the impact Covid has not just on where we work but what we think of work.

Return to office

RTO or how to get people to  return to the office is the wrong question. Instead we should ask a) how do we maximize the benefits of in person interaction while allowing flexibility and b) if we were to start a company today with no constraints would we make people come to the office five days a week and all the talent hiring and cost limitations it involves. New companies do not.


Could it be that people are not just not wanting to come back to the office but not come back to bosses who check in, monitor, allocate, delegate and generally do not add much value? We have entered the age of de-bossification where we need less management and more leading, guiding, building and mentoring.

fractionalized employee

Today most companies have three types of workers. Freelance, Contract  and Employees. With aging populations, rising child care costs, the productivity of AI why not create a new type of employee. A fractionalized employee who has all the benefits of employees from health care to bonus to equity but work 50, 60 or 80 percent of the time?


AI is underhyped even today. We are moving to an age where knowledge will be free and every job will be redefined. AI will be like electricity and accessing or having AI itself will not be enough for a company or talent. It is how we combine AI with HI where HI is human insight, human imagination, human intuition and human inspiration that makes the difference.